horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第二百一十四条 不动产物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭,依照法律规定应当登记的,自记载于不动产登记簿时发生效力。
Article 214
The creation, alteration, transfer, or extinguishment of a real right of the immovable property that is required by law to be registered becomes effective at the time when it is recorded in the register of immovable property.
  第二百一十五条 当事人之间订立有关设立、变更、转让和消灭不动产物权的合同,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定外,自合同成立时生效;未办理物权登记的,不影响合同效力。
Article 215
A contract concluded by the parties on the creation, alteration, transfer, or extinguishment of a real right becomes effective upon its formation, unless it is otherwise provided by law or agreed upon by the parties, and the validity of the contract is not affected by the fact that the real right registration is not completed.
  第二百一十六条 不动产登记簿是物权归属和内容的根据。
Article 216
The register of immovable property is the basis for determining the attribution and contents of the real rights in immovable property.
The register of immovable property shall be kept by the registration authority.
  第二百一十七条 不动产权属证书是权利人享有该不动产物权的证明。不动产权属证书记载的事项,应当与不动产登记簿一致;记载不一致的,除有证据证明不动产登记簿确有错误外,以不动产登记簿为准。
Article 217
The real right certificate for immovable property is a proof of a right holder’s entitlement to the real right in the immovable property. The items recorded in the real right certificate for immovable property shall be consistent with what are recorded in the register of immovable property; in case of inconsistency between the two, what is recorded in the register of immovable property shall prevail, unless there is evidence establishing a clear error in the register of immovable property.
  第二百一十八条 权利人、利害关系人可以申请查询、复制不动产登记资料,登记机构应当提供。
Article 218
A right holder or an interested person may apply for retrieving and making copies of the information of the registered immovable property, and the registration authority shall provide the information.
  第二百一十九条 利害关系人不得公开、非法使用权利人的不动产登记资料。
Article 219
An interested person may not disclose or illegally use the registered information of a right holder’s immovable property.
  第二百二十条 权利人、利害关系人认为不动产登记簿记载的事项错误的,可以申请更正登记。不动产登记簿记载的权利人书面同意更正或者有证据证明登记确有错误的,登记机构应当予以更正。
Article 220
A right holder or an interested person may apply for rectification of the registration if he believes that an item is incorrectly recorded in the register of immovable property. Where the right holder as recorded in the register of immovable property agrees in writing to make rectification, or where there is evidence establishing a clear error in the register, the registration authority shall rectify it.
Where the right holder as recorded in the register of immovable property does not agree to make rectification, an interested person may apply for registration of a demurrer. Where the registration authority registers the demurrer but the applicant fails to file a lawsuit within 15 days from the date of such a registration, the registration of demurrer becomes ineffective. Where a demurrer is improperly registered and damage is thus caused to the right holder, the right holder may request the applicant to pay damages.


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