horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

   第七百一十三条 承租人在租赁物需要维修时可以请求出租人在合理期限内维修。出租人未履行维修义务的,承租人可以自行维修,维修费用由出租人负担。因维修租赁物影响承租人使用的,应当相应减少租金或者延长租期。
Article 713
Where a leased object needs to be maintained or repaired, the lessee may request the lessor to have it maintained or repaired within a reasonable period of time. Where the lessor fails to perform the obligation of maintenance or repair, the lessee may maintain or repair the leased object by himself and the expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the lessor. If the maintenance or repair of the leased object affects the lessee’s use of it, the rent shall be reduced or the term of the lease shall be extended accordingly.
Where a leased object needs to be maintained or repaired due to the lessee’s fault, the lessor does not bear the obligation of maintenance or repair as provided in the preceding paragraph.
  第七百一十四条 承租人应当妥善保管租赁物,因保管不善造成租赁物毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 714
A lessee shall properly keep the leased object and shall bear the liability for compensation if the leased object is destructed, damaged, or lost owing to his failing to properly keep it.
  第七百一十五条 承租人经出租人同意,可以对租赁物进行改善或者增设他物。
Article 715
A lessee may, upon the lessor’s consent, improve the leased object or install additions thereto.
Where a lessee improves or installs additions to the leased object without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may request the lessee to restore the leased object to its original status or to compensate for the losses.
  第七百一十六条 承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人。承租人转租的,承租人与出租人之间的租赁合同继续有效;第三人造成租赁物损失的,承租人应当赔偿损失。
Article 716
A lessee may, upon the lessor’s consent, sublease the leased object to a third person. The lease contract between the lessee and the lessor shall continue to be valid despite the sublease by the lessee, and if the third person causes losses to the leased object, the lessee shall bear the liability for compensation.
Where a lessee subleases the leased object without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may rescind the contract.


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