horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百九十条 保证人与债权人可以协商订立最高额保证的合同,约定在最高债权额限度内就一定期间连续发生的债权提供保证。
Article 690
A surety and a creditor may, through consultation, conclude a contract of maximum suretyship for floating claims to provide guarantee for the creditor’s claims which will arise consecutively within a certain period of time and the total amount of which is up to the maximum amount of his claims.
In addition to applying the provisions of this Chapter, the relevant provisions of Book Two of this Code on the maximum mortgage for floating claims shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
  第二节 保证责任
Section 2
Suretyship Liability
  第六百九十一条 保证的范围包括主债权及其利息、违约金、损害赔偿金和实现债权的费用。当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。
Article 691
The scope of suretyship covers the principal claim and the interest thereof, the liquidated damages, compensatory damages, and the expenses for enforcing the claim, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
  第六百九十二条 保证期间是确定保证人承担保证责任的期间,不发生中止、中断和延长。
Article 692
The term of suretyship is the period during which the surety undertakes suretyship liability, and such period may not be suspended, interrupted, or extended.
A creditor and a surety may agree on the term of suretyship. However, where the expiration date of the agreed term of suretyship is earlier than or the same as the expiration date of the period of performance of the principal obligation, it is deemed as there is no agreement on the term of suretyship. Where there is no agreement between the parties on the term of suretyship or the relevant agreement is unclear, the term of suretyship shall be six months from the expiration date of the period of performance of the principal obligation.
Where a creditor and a debtor fail to agree on the period of performance of the principal obligation or the relevant agreement is unclear, the term of suretyship shall be counted from the date when the grace period for the creditor to request the debtor to perform the obligation expires.


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