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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八百一十八条 旅客不得随身携带或者在行李中夹带易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性以及可能危及运输工具上人身和财产安全的危险物品或者违禁物品。
Article 818
A passenger may not carry with him or secretly carry in his baggage any inflammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, or radioactive articles, any other dangerous articles that might endanger the safety of persons and property aboard, or any contraband articles.
Where a passenger violates the provision of the preceding paragraph, the carrier may unload or destroy the dangerous or contraband articles or deliver them to the relevant departments. Where a passenger insists on carrying with him the dangerous articles or the contraband articles or secretly carrying them in his baggage, the carrier shall refuse to transport him.
  第八百一十九条 承运人应当严格履行安全运输义务,及时告知旅客安全运输应当注意的事项。旅客对承运人为安全运输所作的合理安排应当积极协助和配合。
Article 819
A carrier shall strictly fulfill his obligations of safe transport and timely notify the passengers about matters of attention for a safe transport. A passenger shall actively assist in and be cooperative with the carrier with regard to the reasonable arrangements made for safe transport.
  第八百二十条 承运人应当按照有效客票记载的时间、班次和座位号运输旅客。承运人迟延运输或者有其他不能正常运输情形的,应当及时告知和提醒旅客,采取必要的安置措施,并根据旅客的要求安排改乘其他班次或者退票;由此造成旅客损失的,承运人应当承担赔偿责任,但是不可归责于承运人的除外。
Article 820
A carrier shall transport a passenger at the time and in the number of runs or flights and seat number indicated on the valid ticket. Under circumstances where the transport is delayed or provided out of a normal state, the carrier shall inform and remind the passenger in a timely manner, take necessary measures for arrangement, and, upon the passenger’s request, arrange him to take other numbers of runs or flights or refund his ticket. The carrier shall bear the liability for compensation for any loss thus caused to the passenger, unless such loss is not attributable to the carrier.
  第八百二十一条 承运人擅自降低服务标准的,应当根据旅客的请求退票或者减收票款;提高服务标准的,不得加收票款。
Article 821
A carrier who unilaterally downgrades the service standard shall, upon the passenger’s request, refund his ticket or reduce the fare. A carrier who upgrades the service standard may not charge extra fare.


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