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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第二十三章 委托合同
Chapter XXIII
Entrustment Contracts

  第九百一十九条 委托合同是委托人和受托人约定,由受托人处理委托人事务的合同。
Article 919
An entrustment contract is a contract under which a principal and an agent agree that the agent shall handle the matters for the principal.

  第九百二十条 委托人可以特别委托受托人处理一项或者数项事务,也可以概括委托受托人处理一切事务。

Article 920
A principal may specifically entrust an agent to handle one or several matters, and may also generally entrust an agent to handle all matters of his.

  第九百二十一条 委托人应当预付处理委托事务的费用。受托人为处理委托事务垫付的必要费用,委托人应当偿还该费用并支付利息。

Article 921
A principal shall pay in advance the expenses for handling the entrusted matter. Where an agent pays for the principal the necessary expenses in handling an entrusted matter, the principal shall reimburse the expenses with interest.

  第九百二十二条 受托人应当按照委托人的指示处理委托事务。需要变更委托人指示的,应当经委托人同意;因情况紧急,难以和委托人取得联系的,受托人应当妥善处理委托事务,但是事后应当将该情况及时报告委托人。

Article 922
An agent shall handle the entrusted matter in accordance with the instructions given by the principal. Where it is necessary to modify such instructions, the modification shall be consented to by the principal; where the situation is emergent and it is difficult to obtain the principal’s consent, the agent shall properly handle the entrusted matter, and shall, afterwards, promptly inform the principal of the situation.


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