horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第二章 生命权、身体权和健康权
Chapter II
Rights to Life, Rights to Corporeal Integrity, and Rights to Health

  第一千零二条 自然人享有生命权。自然人的生命安全和生命尊严受法律保护。任何组织或者个人不得侵害他人的生命权。
Article 1002
A natural person enjoys the right to life. A natural person’s life safety and dignity are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual.

  第一千零三条 自然人享有身体权。自然人的身体完整和行动自由受法律保护。任何组织或者个人不得侵害他人的身体权。
Article 1003
A natural person enjoys the right to corporeal integrity. A natural person’s corporeal integrity and freedom of movement are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual.

  第一千零四条 自然人享有健康权。自然人的身心健康受法律保护。任何组织或者个人不得侵害他人的健康权。
Article 1004
A natural person enjoys the right to health. A natural person’s physical and mental health are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual.

  第一千零五条 自然人的生命权、身体权、健康权受到侵害或者处于其他危难情形的,负有法定救助义务的组织或者个人应当及时施救。
Article 1005
Where a natural person’s right to life, right to corporeal integrity, or right to health is infringed upon or otherwise in peril, the organization or individual who is legally obligated to aid shall promptly extend rescue.


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