horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千一百四十二条 遗嘱人可以撤回、变更自己所立的遗嘱。
Article 1142
A testator may revoke or alter a will he has made.
Where a testator who, after making a will, acts inconsistently with the content of his will, the pertinent part of the will is deemed to be revoked.

Where several wills have been made and their contents are inconsistent, the will made last in time shall prevail.

  第一千一百四十三条 无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人所立的遗嘱无效。

Article 1143
A will made by a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts is void.

A will must manifest the genuine intention of the testator, and a will made under fraud or duress is void.
A forged will is void.

Where a will has been tampered with, the affected part of the will is void.

  第一千一百四十四条 遗嘱继承或者遗赠附有义务的,继承人或者受遗赠人应当履行义务。没有正当理由不履行义务的,经利害关系人或者有关组织请求,人民法院可以取消其接受附义务部分遗产的权利。

Article 1144
Where a testate succession or a testamentary gift is conditioned upon performance of an obligation, the successor or donee-by-will shall perform the obligation. Where a successor or donee-by-will fails to perform such an obligation without just cause, the people’s court may, upon request by an interested person or a relevant organization, deprive him of the right to inherit the portion of the estate to which performance of the obligation is attached.


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