horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千一百六十九条 教唆、帮助他人实施侵权行为的,应当与行为人承担连带责任。

Article 1169
A person who aids or abets an actor in the commission of a tortious act shall assume joint and several liability with the actor.


A person who aids or abets an actor with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts in the commission of a tortious act shall assume tort liability, and the guardian of the actor with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts shall assume corresponding liability to the extent he fails to fulfill the duties of guardian.

  第一千一百七十条 二人以上实施危及他人人身、财产安全的行为,其中一人或者数人的行为造成他人损害,能够确定具体侵权人的,由侵权人承担责任;不能确定具体侵权人的,行为人承担连带责任。

Article 1170
Where two or more persons commit acts that endanger another person’s personal or property safety and the damage is caused only by acts of one or several of them, if the specific tortfeasor(s) can be identified, the tortfeasor(s) shall bear liability, and if the specific tortfeasor(s) cannot be identified, all of the actors shall assume joint and several liability.

  第一千一百七十一条 二人以上分别实施侵权行为造成同一损害,每个人的侵权行为都足以造成全部损害的,行为人承担连带责任。

Article 1171
Where the tortious acts separately committed by two or more persons cause the same damage to another person, and each act is sufficient to independently cause the entire damage, the actors shall assume joint and several liability.

  第一千一百七十二条 二人以上分别实施侵权行为造成同一损害,能够确定责任大小的,各自承担相应的责任;难以确定责任大小的,平均承担责任。

Article 1172
Where the tortious acts separately committed by two or more persons cause the same damage to another person, each of them shall bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault if it can be determined, or in equal share if it cannot be determined.

  第一千一百七十三条 被侵权人对同一损害的发生或者扩大有过错的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。

Article 1173
Where an infringed person is also at fault for the occurrence or aggravation of the same damage to himself, the liability of the tortfeasor may be mitigated.


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