horizontal rule


三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 29. Putting fake blossoms on the tree 三十六计


Thirty-Six Stratagems

 (三十六计法语-Les 36 stratagèmes)

30. Host and guest reversed
This stratagem applies to taking over without violence. Some commentators apply it to swallowing up an ally, rather than an enemy. Either way, it relies on role reversal with the other side. You make the other person dependent on you and give that person reasons to stay dependent. In a negative sense, it was used by the British to snare Chinese trade in the 1800's. The British actively hooked the Chinese people on opium, thus giving them a need to trade with Britain, making them dependent on Britain.

In business, becoming an authority on your boss's job (or the job of any higher person) so that you cause that person to come to you for advice is a means of role reversal. The adroit ladder climber starts by offering free advice and giving guidance, and ultimately the role sticks. The person who has climbed the ladder either takes on the coveted role officially or is otherwise promoted in order to keep his or her expertise available.

孙子兵法 反客为主

三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 31. Beauty trap 上屋抽梯 管理咨询 Herbert Zhang Zhi Yong 口才 
