horizontal rule


Ball of Fat 14 Ball of Fat

Ball of Fat 15

Boule de Suif 15

"Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset?"

Ball of Fat started, and turned round.

"That is my name."

"Mademoiselle, the Prussian officer wishes to speak to you immediately."

"To me?"

"Yes; if you are Mademoiselle Elisabeth Rousset."

She hesitated, reflected a moment, and then declared roundly:

"That may be; but I'm not going."

They moved restlessly around her; every one wondered and speculated as to the cause of this order. The count approached:

"You are wrong, madame, for your refusal may bring trouble not only on yourself but also on all your companions. It never pays to resist those in authority. Your compliance with this request cannot possibly be fraught with any danger; it has probably been made because some formality or other was forgotten."

All added their voices to that of the count; Ball of Fat was begged, urged, lectured, and at last convinced; every one was afraid of the complications which might result from headstrong action on her part. She said finally:

《论语》中英法对照 小王子中英法对照 羊脂球 Boule de Suif

Ball of Fat 16 这样的员工老板喜欢 基因表达 人事经理的转基因工程 标点符号的用法
