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Zizhitongjian - A Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government


    The Zizhitongjian (literally "A Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government") was a pioneering reference work in Chinese historiography, published in 1084, under the form of a chronicles. In 1065 CE, Emperor Yingzong of Song ordered the great historian Sima Guang (1019–1086) to lead with other scholars such as his chief assistants Liu Shu, Liu Ban and Fan Zuyu, the compilation of a universal history of China. The task took 19 years to be completed, and, in 1084, it was presented to Emperor Shenzong of Song. The Zizhitongjian exposes Chinese history from 403 BCE to 959 CE, contains 294 volumes, and about 3 million Chinese characters.


    《资治通鉴》自成书以来,历代帝王将相、文人骚客、各界要人争读不止。点评批注《资治通鉴》的帝王、贤臣、鸿儒及现代的政治家、思想家、学者不胜枚举、数不胜数。对《资治通鉴》的称誉,除《史记》之外,几乎没有任何一部史著可与《资治通鉴》比美。 可用清人王鸣盛的一句话来概括:“此天地间必不可无之书,亦学者必不可不读之书也。”

    The Zizhitongjian chronologically narrates the history of China from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties (403 BCE - 959 CE). The major contributor, Sima Guang, was active in each step, from collecting events and dates from various previous works to drafting and publication.



    Sima Guang left the traditional usage in Chinese historiography. Since almost 1,000 years and the Shiji, standard Chinese dynastic histories primarily divided chapters between annals of rulers, and biographies of officials. In Chinese terms, the book changed the format of histories from biographical style to chronological style, which is better suited for analysis, activism and criticism. According to Wilkinson, "It had an enormous influence on later Chinese historical writing, either directly of through its many abbreviations, continuations, and adaptations. It remains an extraordinarily useful first reference for a quick and reliable coverage of events at a particular time."


    In the 12th century, Zhu Xi produced a reworked, condensed version of Zizhitongjian, known as Tongjian Gangmu, or Zizhitongjian Gangmu (通鉴纲目). This condensed version was itself later translated into Manchu language, upon the request of Qing Dynasty Kangxi Emperor. This Manchu version was itself translated into French by French Jesuit missionary Joseph-Anna-Marie de Moyriac de Mailla. His twelve-volume translation, "Histoire générale de la Chine, ou Annales de cet Empire; traduit du Tong-kien-kang-mou par de Mailla" was published posthumously in Paris in 1777-1783.


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